Tikyra Jackson Puts Southern Avenue on Pause, Debuts Solo Effort, “No More Fear”

If you ask Memphis musician, Tikyra Jackson, when she first became aware of music, when it initially entered her universe as a young person, she’ll say that she thinks she was simply born into it. Jackson, who comes from a musical family, was also raised in church. So, she’s been immersed in song, essentially, since the very beginning. But while Jackson isn’t the only person to have grown up singing in church, she did learn an important, singular lesson there. It’s an idea that applies to just about everything she does, including playing in her Grammy-nominated group, Southern Avenue, or recording her own compositions – like her pointed debut single, “No More Fear,” which we’re happy to premiere here today.

“I definitely feel that being exposed to music and church at such a young age,” Jackson says, “made me adjusted to becoming more vulnerable on stage. And when you’re vulnerable, you can allow the music or that energy to overtake you.”