Lissie Masterfully Taps Into Her Versatility

Throughout her career, Iowa-based songwriter, Lissie (born Elisabeth Corrin Maurus), has benefited from her ability to shape and reshape herself depending on the situation, depending on what’s necessary. If the goal of any soul walking the world is to resemble water (as martial arts master, Bruce Lee, noted), then Lissie has certainly approached that ideal. But water isn’t the only element Lissie harbors inside, there’s at least one more stoking her creative furnace. And thankfully for Lissie, the light has never gone out, it remains hot to this day, as the acclaimed singer continues to release both new and revisited older material in celebration of the 10-year anniversary of her praised debut LP, Catching a Tiger.

“In whatever context, in whatever group, song or space,” Lissie says, “once I can tap into my fire, that’s where it feels true and coming from my gut and my heart.”