of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes Appreciates the Unpredictable

Kevin Barnes, aka the frontperson for the popular indie band of Montreal, likes when things are unpredictable. For Barnes, life can be too mundane too often. So, their ears perk up when a song, conversation, or some other form of interaction is different, fresh, or even odd. That’s when Barnes tends to thrive. It’s the foundation for the artist’s long career, which includes collaborations with Solange, Janelle Monae, and Talking Heads, along with appearances on late night shows, at big festivals, and more.

To date, of Montreal has released 18 albums, the latest of which is Freewave Lucifer F<ck F^ck F>ck, a seven-song record born of the isolation stemming from the recent COVID-19 lockdown, which raises eyebrows as much as it sets the listener off-kilter with sonic angles and crunches. It’s a delightful album meant to break up internal pain and the predictable pop on today’s Top 40.