Chris Isaak is Ready for More Music

Chris Isaak is a bachelor. As such, as he packs for his upcoming tour, he says his living room looks like a “bomb went off.” He laughs at that. Laid back, Isaak talks about the process of preparing for a tour. He has his suitcases in the middle of his room, his possessions spread out, t-shirts and underwear, socks and shoes and belts. He’s wondering what Hawaiian shirts to bring. At least, he says, this isn’t the type of tour where he’s going to a range of climates. It’s a summer tour and he’s looking forward to it, so he’s packing light. “And as I said to the guys in the band,” Isaak tells American Songwriter, “it’s not like we’re going out to the Amazon. If we forget something, there’s always a Macy’s.” Isaak isn’t worried. In fact, he’s excited. He loves his band and is titillated at the idea of hitting the road with them. It’s about the music and he’s always had a “really good response” to music.