With Debut LP En Route, Wet Leg is Not Scared

Starting a band can be scary. To be a public artist means putting your thoughts, ideas, hopes, and dreams out for anyone and everyone to take in, digest, and, perhaps, even criticize wildly. As a result, thick skin and deep resolve are often needed. Such is the case for the U.K.-born band, Wet Leg, which, over the past handful of months, has become one of the most talked-about groups in the world. With high praise from the Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl, to name one example, Wet Leg is becoming a household name, and that journey is set to continue with the release of the band’s self-titled debut LP, which is out Friday (April 8). But to achieve all this has required, for lack of a better term, a mission statement from Wet Leg’s founders, Rhian Teasdale and Hester Chambers. The duo has had to stick to it closely. And, so far, they have done so admirably, and with a touch of signature irreverence.