Let’s Eat Grandma Appreciate the Space

Jenny Hollingworth and Rosa Walton, also known as the founding members of the U.K.’s ethereal indie-pop band Let’s Eat Grandma, appreciate the countryside. While they spend significant time in cities like London for promotion and in others around the world to perform while on tour, when they’re home and off the road, each enjoys the more pastoral surroundings and the serene landscapes. While many their age (both are in their twenties) might aim to reside in fast-paced bustling cities, Hollingworth and Walton stay in the countryside, using the space and slower pace to reflect, think, contemplate and experiment with their craft. This decision has proven healthy for both their work and their interpersonal creative relationship. Evidenced by their spacious new LP, Two Ribbons, which the duo is set to release on Friday (April 29).