Julian Lennon is Finding Music Again in All the Right Places

Julian Lennon has long had a tumultuous relationship with the music business. But with the music itself? He loves it. He loves the way it can change a person’s mood in a split second or in a “New York minute.” For Lennon, who is the son of the late legendary Beatle, John Lennon, music can help to elevate the listener out of dark places. He knows this magic firsthand. This is why Lennon’s latest singles—“Freedom” and “Every Little Moment”—are so poignant, both in and of themselves, and at a time war is taking place in Ukraine. The songs, which Lennon released last week, offer emotional aid in a difficult global time, as much as they give assistance to those experiencing difficult personal times internally. And Lennon’s latest release—a cover of his father’s most famous song, “Imagine”—also offers a helping hand in a great time of need and shall continue to, most likely.