A Primer on Video Game Subscription and Streaming Services

The internet is a major part of our day-to-day lives, yet existence with the vast digital realm continues to be much like living in the Wild West. New options, new spaces, new ideas and new services seem to pop up on an almost daily basis. From the early days of email to the modern era of high-speed streaming, the internet is always evolving.

One of the most recent trends is the availability of video game subscription and streaming services. These give gamers the opportunity to access dozens (or even hundreds) of titles at any given time … usually for a fee. The games are streamed in real time, but some platforms also offer players the ability to download titles to their devices and continue to access them as long as they continue to subscribe. With a streaming service, one can theoretically play any game on any compatible device at any time — much like watching a TV show on Netflix® whenever you like via your phone, tablet or television.

We covered the pros and cons of discs versus game downloads in a previous posting, but there is much more to consider when discussing subscription and streaming services. In this article, we’ll describe the main features offered by several prime options. First, however, let’s start with some background.

EssayJake UittiYamaha