Pearl Jam Guitarist Mike McCready Talks The Rockfords

Pearl Jam lead guitarist Mike McCready has known Seattle-based musician Danny Newcomb since they were both five years old. McCready has played music with Newcomb since they were 11. In fact, he says, Newcomb is one of the main reasons he picked up a guitar, to begin with. Newcomb was the first on the block to get a six-string when the two were kids and as a result, McCready says, he wanted one, too.

One wonders if the history of rock music would be entirely different had Newcomb not been there from the beginning. And it’s memories like these that make McCready smile today because the band he and Newcomb started in 1999, The Rockfords, is finally getting its due shine and release date. Some 22 years after McCready, Newcomb and the band recorded their self-titled debut, it’s now set for release with a debut single, “Silver Lining,” out today (January 14).