The Lumineers Embrace The Unknown For New Record, ‘BRIGHTSIDE’

Sometimes it’s the unplanned moments that can change the course of a life, a globe, or a song. Whether considering the onset of a pandemic or letting yourself discover new notes in real-time, letting go to let something unknown in can be as important a skill as knowing the pentatonic scale. It can also be earth-shattering. For the Colorado-based band, the Lumineers, that was certainly the case with the creation of their newest LP, BRIGHTSIDE, which is set for release on Friday (January 14).

The new record began in the studio with songs unfinished, which was a new approach for the band, which formed in Denver in 2005. But the fresh approach, the openness to the faith that the songs would soon feel complete aided their production. It’s odd how this works. How something different can lead to renewed satisfaction. Yet, it’s often the topsy-turvy recipe to sonic transcendence.