Christone “Kingfish” Ingram on the Blues, Speed Demons, and His New Album “662”

In music, there are myriad distinguished bands and artists, all of whom participate in some genre of sound. But what about the genres themselves? While artists and bands have lives outside their work, who keeps up with the styles, who preserves them and keeps them thriving? Well, when it comes to the American blues, Christone “Kingfish” Ingram has that responsibility on lockdown.

Kingfish, who is still just 22 years old, is one of the torchbearers for the blues, with his bellowing voice and shrieking, nimble solos. He is the one many of the legends in the art form look to carry on their legacy. We caught up with Kingfish, whose new album, 662, is out tomorrow, to ask him about his relationship to music, the guitar, the blues, and the idea of lineage.