Ashlie Amber Looks at the Bright Side of Past Relationships on “Those Nights”

When most songwriters think about penning a fresh breakup song, it’s likely they’ll dig into the heartache. After all, it’s often the most palpable feeling in times of loneliness. But Las Vegas-based rising country star musician, Ashlie Amber, thinks about the matter differently. Amber thinks about the good times, the reasons she was with the person to begin with. Sure, there were reasons for the split. (Often in Amber’s case it’s because she’s chasing her career and not necessarily domestic dreams at this time.) But if there weren’t good parts, then why was the relationship a reality to begin with? So, she looks to the brighter side. The late nights, the extra shots of whiskey, the chosen sleepless mornings. This is valid subject matter for songs too, Amber says. To prove it, she wrote her new single, “Those Nights,” premiering today with American Songwriter, to celebrate the best of what was, especially in those exciting first days.