Mike Doughty Forges Forward With Songwriting, Releases “I Hear The Ax Swinging”

For musician and songwriter, Mike Doughty, a borrowed electric bass changed everything. Doughty, the son of a military man, grew up on an army base. But that meant a more conservative upbringing, one where order was prioritized and improvisational soloing wasn’t, necessarily. Nevertheless, Doughty began to discover music – Led Zeppelin was an early favorite. As he began to open his mind to the idea of art and creativity, though, there weren’t many kids around the barracks to talk to or jam with. But there was one fellow – a football player around Doughty’s age – who had an electric bass and Doughty was able to borrow it. From there, he began to undertake the beginnings of composition. He plucked the low-E string endlessly and belted out lyrics. Later, of course, Doughty would go on to front the popular band, Soul Coughing. Today, Doughty is set to unveil his latest single, “I Hear The Ax Swinging,” from his newest project, Ghost of Vroom, which will release its debut LP on March 19th (pre-save it).