Raffi Makes Music for Our Most Important Years, Sets New Collab with Lindsay Munroe

When generations in the future look back on the 21st century and earlier, there will likely be several things to cause heads to shake. One of those that will assuredly make some cringe will be the general treatment of children during early development. For many years, the prevailing thought was that children will get over whatever affects them or ails them in their primary years. Adulthood, the thought is, will rectify those wounds. But that’s not actually the case. The reality is that our earliest experiences set the trajectory for our lives in adulthood. And acclaimed songwriter and performer Raffi Cavoukian knows this perhaps better than any other artist.

Raffi has made a career writing music that both entertains and elucidates the notion that when we are about five or six years old, our understanding of what it means to be human is shaped forever, for better or worse. Today, Raffi continues to highlight this idea, through his many works, including his recent collaboration with fellow children’s songwriter Lindsay Munroe.