Stephanie Anne Johnson Knows Things Go Better When They Happen “Naturally”

Pacific Northwest singer-songwriter, Stephanie Anne Johnson, says, these days, they’re learning to pivot. In fact, the artist, who prefers the pronouns “they” and “them,” has written a whole song about it: “Naturally,” which we’re happy to premiere here today.

Johnson, who was born and raised in Tacoma, Washington, which is about an hour south of Seattle, has learned over the years that even the best-laid plans can shift, crumble or change. So, instead, they’ve practiced the ancient art of acceptance, the ability to roll with whatever might come next. In other words, Johnson, who rose to prominence, in part, from their stint on NBC’s The Voiceand who opened for Bernie Sanders in 2020 at a Tacoma political rally, is getting more adept at things happening simply, organically. In this way, the worry of control can subside and Johnson is left to create, which they do prolifically.