Gene Simmons Gets Real About KISS, Being Jewish and…Crypto Currency

Talking with legendary rock ‘n’ roll musician, Gene Simmons, one thing becomes clear pretty quick—he likes a good thrill. Though he speaks measuredly, thoughtfully and with clear perspective, what he talks about is often that which excites him. As he puts it, life should be a roller coaster that does anything but go straight ahead. There needs to be swoops, dives, jolts and misdirection that get one’s heart pumping. Simmons, of course, is a master at that. His band, KISS, is the leader in the clubhouse when it comes to on-stage pyrotechnics. And the amount of face makeup the band has used over the years could likely paint a mansion or two. And Simmons, who has endeavored in seemingly countless successful areas of branding and business over the years, has recently partnered with the prominent guitar company, Gibson, to create the new G2 series of signature basses and six-strings.