Surfer Blood Discusses a Change in Writing Styles For Latest LP, ‘Carefree Theatre’

John Paul Pitts, front man for the West Palm Beach, Florida-based rock ‘n’ roll band, Surfer Blood, remembers boarding an important plane for London. That moment marked perhaps the first major step for the group, which began in 2009. As the band found their seats and put away their bags, Pitts couldn’t help but think about how far the group had come in a short time and how much further they still could go. Since then, the group has enjoyed and endured significant ups and downs, but, nevertheless, the group has subsisted, grown up and enjoyed its hard-earned successes. And today, Surfer Blood is poised to release its latest LP, Carefree Theatre, on September 25th.

“The first time we played in London was a marker of, you know, having actually made it,” Pitts says. “When our first record came out, we went to the U.K. for six-or-seven shows. But being at the airport and getting on that plane, that’s when I was the most excited.”