Sir Woman Changes Course And "Can't Stay Mad"

They say everything is one-part blessing and one-part curse. For Austin, Texas-based songwriter, Kelsey Wilson, who rose to prominence over the years with her band, Wild Child, that is assuredly the case for her relationship to the violin. Wilson, who is set to release her debut solo record, The Bitch EP, under the new moniker, Sir Woman, grew up playing the classical instrument. While she “hated” her lessons and their lack of direction toward self-expression, Wilson grew a proficiency on the violin that would lead her to a 10-year career as a professional artist. But here’s the rub. That time on the road playing an instrument that she never completely bonded with burnt her out. Sir Woman brought her back to life. For evidence of this revival, look no further than her debut single, “Can’t Stay Mad,” which we’re happy to premiere here today.