Slug and Murs Discuss ‘Felt 4 U,’ Christina Ricci, Fatherhood, Soccer, and More

Fans of underground rap music likely know the individual names, Slug (from Atmosphere) and Murs. But they also likely know the two together in their duo project, Felt. Together, Slug and Murs have released four Felt records, including their latest, Felt 4 U, which was produced by longtime Atmosphere beat-maker, Ant (born Anthony Davis). In the past, the two have dedicated records to Christina Ricci, Lisa Bonet and Rosie Perez. The 12-track Felt 4 U incorporates the signature synergy Slug and Murs offer their listeners. The highly skilled emcees bounce between punch lines, setting the other up like volleyball players set teammates up for spikes. The first Felt record came out in 2002 and now the most recent has dropped some eighteen years later. In between, Slug and Murs have sold thousands of albums, independently and together, become parents, married.

A lot can transpire in nearly two decades. But the two bring their best on their latest collaboration. Hits include the energetic “Freeze Tag,” pensive “Sticks & Stones” and sweet “Barboleta.” We caught up with both Slug and Murs to talk about the relationship, “reasoning,” Christina Ricci, vaccinations, fatherhood, MLS soccer and more.