Cory Wong Talks About His Influences, Premieres “Bluebird” Featuring Chris Thile

When Minneapolis-based masterful guitar player, Cory Wong, was a young person, he was already dedicated to music. So much so that on weekends, he would bring his guitar and amplifier to school and, after classes, he would take a different bus home with a friend where the two would rehearse and practice their instruments and watch MTV music videos all night. The next morning, the two would wake up and play music all day and on Sunday, Wong’s parents would pick him up to go back home. This is but one example of Wong’s lifelong devotion to music and one of many reasons why his songs are both deeply nuanced and joyous. As evidenced by his most recent release, Dusk, and also his forthcoming release, Dawn, on which appears the new single, “Bluebird,” which we’re happy to premiere here today. 

“I don’t know how my parents or my friend’s parents let us do that,” Wong says, with a laugh. “They were just down with it!”