The Brothers Comatose Share Inspiration Behind ‘Covers From Left Field’

Ben Morrison, co-founder of the San Francisco-based Americana band, The Brothers Comatose, grew up surrounded by song. When he was young, his mother played in a folk quartet that rehearsed at home. Later, in high school, his parents hosted regular music parties on Sundays. Morrison – and his brother and band co-founder, Adam – first played the instruments that their parents and friends would leave around the house. Morrison played guitar, Adam played banjo. But betwixt all this music, Morrison first learned to love song at a very precise moment: the day he could first play one on a six-string. 

“I was sitting in a circle in the community center playing ‘Proud Mary’ for the first time,” Morrison says. “That was when I could barely play three chords on the guitar; I was about 11- or 12-years-old. Being able to play that and get it to sound something like the original tune was the first time I went, ‘Oh, this is powerful. This is a special thing.’”