Drag Queen Trixie Mattel Tells All

Trixie Mattel, the multi-talented drag queen who rose to fame as the winner of the third season of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars, might as well be called Midas. Everything she touches turns to gold. Whether it's her popular Internet show with fellow queen, Katya Zamolodchikova, The Trixie & Katya Show, or her chart-topping country music records, or her personalized line of cosmetics, Mattel (aka Brian Firkus), who is originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has made a global name for herself. Recently, Netflix premiered a documentary about the drag queen, Trixie MattelMoving Parts. And soon Mattel will release a new book with Katya, called, Guide to Modern Womanhood.

Indeed, she has many fingers in so many pies. We caught up with Mattel to ask her how she keeps up with all that she has going on. Has the Coronavirus has disrupted her work? What's the favorite joke she's ever written? And much more.

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