Car Seat Headrest Members Create 1 Trait Danger; Releases Video Game ‘Lombardi’s World’

For any musician who has undertaken a lengthy tour, booked a gig at a performance venue or just spent time in a green room, one thing becomes immediately clear: there is a ton of downtime before a show. Some musicians fill it with beer and snacks. Others stay on their phones all day or take naps in some well-worn easy chair. But for Car Seat Headrest’s Will Toldeo and Andrew Katz, the green room often becomes a makeshift studio where their newest creative project, 1 Trait Danger, comes to life. The project was borne in back stages around the globe and its there where the seeds of its future releases were sewn. And this week, Toledo and Katz proudly unveiled their latest endeavor: a skillfully made 1 Trait Danger video game in which players can engage online in an effort to defeat the “evil” founder of Matador Records, Chris Lombardi.