Chris Carrabba Looks Back on 20 Years of Dashboard Confessional, How COVID Shapes His Future

Chris Carrabba, front man for the popular rock group, Dashboard Confessional, has been living an acute modern duality for the past year. When scholars and scientists look back on 2020, they may be able to sum up what, exactly, was lost during one of the most tumultuous years in global history. But, with hope, they will also be able to calculate what improved, what we gained or what evolved in a positive sense, too. Carrabba, who has been at the center of both loss and gain this year, understands that balance. At the start of 2020, he and his band were poised to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their debut 2000 album, The Swiss Army Romance. But then the world turned upside down. Later, in June, as the COVID-19 self-quarantine truly set in, Carrabba was in a motorcycle accident, which forced him to lay up in casts. But the result of the isolation created a renewed sense of appreciation for what he’s worked to achieve over the past two decades.